Exams Know-how

How to Improve GRE Scores: 10 Tips on How to Improve Your GRE Score?

Kashyap Matani

GRE is an important standardised test accepted by top-notch universities globally for getting admission to a graduate program. In this article, we will understand how to improve GRE scores. Studying for the GRE exam is the only sure strategy to improve GRE scores, among others, like curating the right study material, joining a renowned GRE institute, etc. Therefore, a student needs to design a plan of action/study plan for separate GRE sections.

Let’s explore this blog and get sure-shot tips on how to increase GRE score?

Table of Contents

How to Improve Your GRE Scores?

Whether your prep-test GRE scores are less than the baseline scores or you are facing difficulty reaching your target scores, only a study plan can help. All studying methods give similar results if you make the best use of time and put in a hundred per cent effort. But before this, a student must understand their strengths and weaknesses. Yocket Prep can be of great help in this regard. By enrolling on it, students can take multiple GRE prep/diagnostic tests with a detailed test score report, adaptive algorithms like original GRE, instant solutions, and more.

The major factor that impacts your score is the time you assign in studying. It is practically impossible to increase your GRE scores by studying once a week. Therefore, let’s refer to this chart and understand the required study hours for a particular GRE point increase.

GRE Score Points to Increase

Hours to be Contributed









Now must understand that by studying for 80 hours and allocating time evenly across the day, week, or month, you can gain approximately 5 points per section.

Know How Your GRE Scores are Calculated?

Ace GRE with GRE Prep

Next, let’s explore the tips to improve GRE scores.

10 Tips to Improve GRE Scores

Following are the crucial steps that a student must consider while preparing for their GRE. These tricks will surely help increase your GRE results.

1.  Study More

Many students wonder, “how to increase my GRE score?” To improve your GRE score, a general belief is the more you study, the better you get at it. Therefore, explore and select the best study material, allot your time to the weak topics and sections, and spend 4-5 hours on GRE prep every day.

2.  Determine the Need to Learn

How to boost your GRE score? How to improve GRE scores? Whatever your question may be, to increase your GRE score from the previous attempt, efforts are determined by how much you've already studied. If you've put in 120 hours of study time and improved your GRE Verbal score from a 145 on the first practice test to a 169 on the assessment day, it'll take a lot of work to improve. You can determine the hours to spend more and increase your scores up to the expected results.

GRE Accepting Universities

3.  Track Improvement

How much can you improve your GRE score? To complete more within your allocated study time, the faster you grasp/learn new content, the easier it will be to reach your desired GRE scores. If it takes you longer to incorporate/learn new topics and methods, attempt to set aside extra time for the particular course. Besides, after a week of study, you can take a GRE prep test and monitor your improvement.

4.  Foundation Matters

The GRE assesses knowledge that has been taught to students across an extended period. Therefore, if you don't have a core/basic Maths or English language knowledge, even 100 hours of effort might be less. You might find it impossible to improve your score even with a time-consuming study schedule.

Likewise, if you have a fairly strong underlying foundation in a subject area and need to only brush up on the concepts, it could increase your score quite easily.

5.  Set a GRE Target Score

How to improve your GRE score? Set a target score & focus all your efforts on achieving it. Setting a goal provides you with something particular to work on and helps stay motivated while studying for long periods. Besides, when you take the actual test, a goal score can act as a comparison pointer.

GRE Preparation Books

6.  Understand the GRE Format

Learning the GRE exam format will help you get more familiar and at ease with the type of questions, sections, time duration, topics, rules, etc. It will also assist you to determine how much time to spend on a particular question, the requirement of a calculator, and more.

7.  Practice in a Realistic Setting

One can improve GRE scores by practising in a similar test environment. Use practice resources that are as feasible as the real GRE. It's self-evident that the more GRE-like your practice questions and examinations are, the more comfortable you will be on the final test day. ETS has made a variety of practice materials available for free. You can procure them from their official website.

8.  Mind your Mistakes

Learning from your mistakes is the most lucrative perk when it comes to efficient GRE preparation as they reveal exactly where you're going wrong. So examine your practice problems and examinations to see whether you're having trouble finishing sentences, solving a particular question type, or using a calculator.

GRE Exam Eligibility

9.  Make a Unique Study Plan

Targeting your weaknesses is the most important aspect of building a customised GRE study schedule that works for you. This ties along with the last point, your blunders on practice questions will often disclose your flaws. You could already be aware of a few to focus on.

So make better use of your time by concentrating on your weak points rather than trying to prepare for everything at the same time. You've probably already learned or at least have a clear understanding of some topics and tactics. You don't need to devote as much time to them as you do to the topics/questions where you face trouble.

10.  Practice Till You Perfect

Answers to all of the questions won't assist you much if you can only go through half of them in the time allotted. When completing practice sections and assessments, you must keep track.

There are 20 questions in both the GRE Quantitative and Verbal sections. A 30-minute time limit applies to the verbal sections, giving you around 1 minute and 30 seconds per question. Quant has a thirty-minute time constraint, so each question will take around 1 minute 45 seconds. Keep this constraint in mind and work on your speed accordingly.

What is the GRE Score Validity? 

Practice is the key to perfection and success. The only way to increase your GRE scores is relentless hardwork and a well-planned study schedule. To know more and to get a complete customised plan to improve your GRE scores, get a subscription to Yocket Premium today!

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