Masters abroad: preps and steps

Masters in Business Analytics in Australia: Find Out Everything You Need to Know About a Masters in Business Analytics in Australia

Kashyap Matani

Wherever we turn, one out of ten people is spotted talking about the ins and outs of the business world, how everything works in the entrepreneurial universe, and how the market has been up and down. But what is the role of business analytics in the world of business? Business analytics is a disciple that aids organisations in realising their customers’ needs and driving better decision-making. Using a set of growth-driven strategies, business analytics helps these firms thrive under cutthroat competition.

A masters in business analytics in Australia equips you with the skills and talent required to be an eminent analytic personality. Business analytics comprises technology that solves business-related problems with data, statistics, and other quantitative methods to turn data into competitive benefits. Your business analytics in Australia degree will revolutionise theoretical learning and practical application and will make you a sharper critical analyst. Wish to know more? Keep reading! 

Difference Between MBA and Business Analytics

Table of Contents

However, when it comes to an MBA in Business Analytics, we find ample options to choose from. You must be wondering, why Australia? Well, there are plenty of reasons why this country-continent might prove to be your best option to study this awesome discipline abroad.

Why Study MS in Business Analytics in Australia?

Apart from being among the kindest nations to immigrants, there are umpteen benefits that this nation brings for its international students. A few reasons why you might want to do your masters in business analytics in Australia are: 

  1. The analytics industry is growing by leaps and bounds in Australia, with MBA graduates in the highest demand in the years to come.
  2. By 2023, the number of jobs for BA grads is expected to reach 26100!
  3. Most institutions in Australia with an MBA program have practical projects, internships, and more programs for field experience.
  4. Universities in Australia are world-class. Equipped with the most advanced labs and developmental programs, you will take away so much more than just a postgraduate degree.
  5.  Australia is home to the two internationally most wanted universities for MBA in Australia: University of Melbourne, and LaTrobe University.
  6. In Australia, business analysts are paid 3x compared to all other professions.
  7. Australia has the best university options, ranking high in the world QS rankings every year.
  8. The country is an English-speaking country, meaning that you won’t have to learn an extra language for your degree.
  9. Australia’s community is extremely warm and welcoming to immigrants. And with its rich and diverse community, you will never feel left out!
  10. The country is very stable and peaceful, characterised by a stable currency, government, market, and fairly stable interest rates.

Cheapest MBA Colleges in Australia

All these points are extremely crucial and mark Australia as the green flagged country in our list of the bests to go to study abroad.

5 Best Universities for Masters in Business Analytics in Australia

Now, let us explore the best universities in Australia for business analytics courses that you should undoubtedly check out. These are elite, world-class universities equipped with all you need for a top-notch MBA experience. Here, we have the QS rankings, fees, course details, and much more about these colleges.

The list for all of these best for business analytics courses in Australia are:

  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Sydney
  • Monash University
  • Queensland University of Technology
  • RMIT University 
  • Let us know about each of these universities in details: 

1. University of Melbourne

Australia’s number one university, and also the second oldest in the country, the University of Melbourne is ranked 2 in the World QS rankings for master of business analytics Melbourne. For global MBA, the university stands at the astounding rank of 26 and in MBA in general, it stands at 13. The university is a public research university and is sought after by thousands of students every year.

QS Ranking


Course Specification

(MSc) Master of Business Analytics

Cost per annum (in AUD)

Including Mess, Insurance, Ancillary


Cost per annum (in INR)


Acceptance Rate




Education System in Australia

2. University of Sydney

University of Sydney is the oldest university in Australia. Among the country’s six sandstone universities, the university has eight faculties and offers world-class bachelors, masters, and post-doctorate degrees.

QS Ranking


Course Specification

MS in Business Analytics

Cost per annum (in AUD)


Cost per annum (in INR)


Acceptance Rate




Public Universities in Australia

3. Monash University

Monash University is also among the most elite in the country. The university has a number of campuses, four in Victoria and one in Malaysia.

QS Ranking


Course Specification

Master of Business Analytics

Cost per annum (in AUD)


(Scholarships up to 280,000)

Cost per annum (in INR)


Acceptance Rate




Study Masters in Australia

4. Queensland University of Technology

The QUT is among Australia’s leading universities with a world-class outlook and provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge while allowing them to make global networks. The university offers hundreds of degree options to choose from.

QS Ranking


Course Specification

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Cost per annum (in AUD)


Cost per annum (in INR)


Acceptance Rate




Universities Accepting TOEFL in Australia

5. RMIT University

Established in 1857, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology initially began as a night school offering several subjects in arts, science, and technology, as a response to Australia’s industrial revolution.

QS Ranking


Course Specification

Master of Analytics

Cost per annum (in AUD)


Cost per annum (in INR)


Acceptance Rate




Suggested:Top MBA Colleges in Australia  

Difference Between MS and MBA in Business Analytics in Australia 

There are multiple degree options to choose from when you’re considering to get your post graduation in business analytics in Australia. In this situation, it is natural to wonder what the essential differences between an MS and an MBA might be. Well, let us summarise it for you.


MS in Business Analytics 

MBA in Business Analytics

Work Experience 

No specific experience needed

At least 3-4 years experience 3

Salary and Scope

MS students can expect a parochial approach to jobs and will earn less than MBA graduates

MBA students have a larger scope and opportunities arena and make much more money. 

Type of Degree

STEM degree

Non-STEM degree

Type of Career

If you’re looking forward to a career in the statistical and analytical world like data sciences, HR, etc. then MS will be the right option for you. 

If you’re looking for a CEO, manager, etc. kind of job profile, an MBA will be rewarding for you. 

Fees and costs

Relatively cheaper

(20,000-35,000 AUD)

Much more expensive (40,000-77,000 AUD)

Jobs in Australia After MBA 

Course Curriculum for Business Analytics Courses in Australia

Before making up your mind to pursue masters in business analytics Australia, it is of utmost importance to check the course curriculum for your entire course and see if it resonates with your personal choices, references, and requirements.

Duration: A typical MBA course in Australia lasts 2 years. Please note that it takes for a full-time course to last two years; part-time MBA courses can stretch up to 2-3 years of study.

Core subjects:

  • Financial Accounting
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Prices and Markets
  • Introduction to Strategy
  • IT Management
  • Managerial Economics
  • HR Management

Australia Student Visa Requirements 

How to Study in Australia After 12th?

MBA Scholarships in Australia 

Study in USA vs Australia 

Eligibility Criteria and Documents Required for Business Analytics in Australia

Like every other university and country, there are certain eligibility criteria you must meet in order to be a good candidate for business analyst courses in Australia. Let us explore them one by one.

  1. English Language Proficiency: Like most English-speaking countries, you need to qualify an IELTS or TOEFL to get admitted to a university in Australia. The minimum band score varies from place to place, but on average, IELTS 6.5 and TOEFL equivalent is acceptable.
  2. High school certificates and under graduation: To successfully apply to a masters of business analytics course, you must have passed your 10+2 and under graduation in business analytics (or a related field) with the minimum score/GPA mentioned in the sites. Usually, a GPA of 3.5-4 is required to apply for an MBA in Australia.
  3. Work Experience: Although not mandatory, work experience adds weightage to your profile and makes you stand out during selections. This is advantageous if you do not have a very attractive GPA on your undergrad degree.
  4. GRE/GMAT: Business schools in particular require candidates to appear for a GRE or GMAT test and meet the minimum score requirement. These tests ensure that you are the right candidate and will prove to be fruitful in years to come.

Suggested:GMAT Colleges in Australia 

After the eligibility criteria, we move on to the documents you will have to provide at the time of application to ensure you have evidence to prove all your eligibility. And obviously, every application procedure has a lot of paperwork.

  1. Passport
  2. Visa
  3. Official Transcripts
  4. SOPs
  5. LORs
  6. Resume
  7. Work Experience Certificate
  8. IELTS/TOEFL scorecard
  9. GRE/GMAT scorecard
  10. Financial Proof
  11. Photographs
  12. ID proof

 Suggested:Guide to Australian Student Visa

Application Process to Study Business Analytics Courses in Australia 

The application procedure differs from university to university, but all of them follow a general method of application.

  1. Shortlist the universities you wish to apply to.
  2. Hover over to their official websites.
  3. Look for the course you wish to apply to
  4. Select International Student option
  5. Look for the application form, and open and fill digitally
  6. Support with the documents required by scanning them
  7. Submit and wait for review
  8. Make changes if required and pay the registration fees.
  9. Now, if you’re selected, you will receive a Letter of Acceptance and you can now proceed with your student visa applications to Australia!

Business Analytics is the third most popular discipline among Yocketers! Take a 15-minute FREE call with our Yocket Counsellors to know all about Business Analytics in Australia! 

Cost of Studying at Top Universities in Australia for Masters in Business Analytics

When it comes to studying abroad anywhere, the most profound barrier in the lives of students is the cost. The master of business analytics in Australia fees is not very less and often prove to be burdensome for students and their guardians alike. Knowing these ahead of time can help you decide and prepare accordingly to arrange for the funds.

The costs are largely divided into two groups: tuition and living costs.

  1. Tuition Cost: These include the fees of your university that every student has to pay. Business analytics courses in Australia fall in the range of 30,000 to 60,000 AUD. These can be significantly reduced with the help of student loans, scholarships, and other aid for financial help students.
  2. Living Cost: This consists of the costs you will have to adhere to as a resident in a foreign country. including your accommodation, food, travel, luxury, and recreation, the living costs of international students in Australia usually go up to 21,000 AUD per year. However, most students can support this cost by working a part-time job of about 3-4 hours per day or 20 hours per week.

If you’re financially challenged or would like to check scholarships anyway, there are hundreds of options available for funding international students’ education in the country-continent.

Scholarships for MSc Business Analytics Australia

For most international students, it is a herculean task to fund their education abroad. However, the country offers several scholarship options to its students to encourage the immigration of students. Let us have a look at the top options available that you can take up.

Regional Scholarship: South Asia

  • The university is open for applicants from South Asia at the Kaplan Business School in Australia.
  • Value: Fee waiver/discount

Monash MBA International Women in Leadership Scholarship

  • Awarded by the Monash Business School Leadership and Executive Education team, this scholarship is given away to female candidates appearing for the MBA programme at the Monash Business School.
  • Value: Up to AUD 24,000

ANU College of Business and Economics India Excellence Scholarship

  • The scholarship is open to candidates of Australia National University, given to students from India paid at equal instalments at the beginning of each year.
  • Value: AUD 5,000 per year

AGSM Global Reach Scholarship and AGSM Excellence Scholarship

  • These scholarships are open to students who receive a full-time admission to the AGSM full-time MBA program.
  • Value: Variable

Visa Exclusive Scholarships for Australia 

Career Opportunities after Masters in Business Analytics Australia

After completing your masters in business analytics courses in Australia, there are several career prospects looking out. Top companies hire hundreds of freshly graduated personalities to add to their firm every year. Let us now take a look at jobs after masters in business analytics in Australia and see where you fit the most!

Job Title

Annual Average Pay (in AUD)

Annual Average Pay (in INR)

Data Scientist






Risk Manager



Business Analyst



IT Manager



Marketing Manager



Job Prospects in Australia for International Students

As we can see, your life in Australia as an MBA graduate will be synonymous to career growth and professional prosperity. If you plan early, you can get admitted to the top colleges in Australia for masters in business analytics. Book a free call to get your profile evaluated before you apply to maximise your chances of acceptance. All the best!

Frequently Asked Questions about MBA in Business Analytics in Australia

Ques. Is it compulsory to study maths to enrol on MBA courses in Australia?

Ans. No, maths is not a compulsory subject to enrol into an MBA course. You only need a valid high school and undergrad education in any discipline.

Ques. What is the beginning level salary of an MBA graduate in Australia?

Ans. The beginning level salary falls at around 85,000 AUD in Australia, expected to rise with time.

Ques. Which state is the best to study MBA in Australia?

Ans. Melbourne, followed by Wales, are the two best cities to study in Australia.

Ques. Which ranking system of universities is the most reliable?

Ans. The QS World Ranking of universities is the most reliable system globally.

Ques. What is the cost of a Student Visa for Australia?

Ans. A student visa generally costs AUD 650 for a single international student.

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