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Sample LOR for MS in CS: How to Write Sample LOR for MS in Computer Science?

Sumeet Jain

One of the most crucial documents you must submit to a computer science university as part of the application process is a sample LOR for MS in CS. This sample LOR for MS in computer science act as an important element of every application, regardless of which country, institution, college, or course you are opting for. It is a testimony to your work ethic, interpersonal qualities, and personality coming from an external perspective. This is why it plays a pivotal role in your MS application.

What is Sample LOR for MS in CS?

Universities offering MS in Computer Science require two academic LORs and one professional LOR. LOR requirements can also differ depending on the students' prior experience. If you are a fresher, you can submit three academic letters of recommendation.

However, you must submit two academic and one professional LOR if you have 0-5 years of professional experience. If you have more than 5 years of experience, you can submit three professional LORs and an academic LOR if only the university requests.

How to Write a LOR for an MS Program?

In an ideal scenario, your recommender will have to write the LOR or fill out the recommendation form consisting of various questions related to the suitability of your candidature for MS in CS. This is because a LOR written by your recommender makes it real and authentic. So if your recommender is willing to write your LOR, then it is best to share with him/her your talking points, resume, and any other relevant information that can help the recommender gauge your candidature. In any case, we recommend the following blueprint for writing an effective sample LOR for MS in CS.

How to Write a LOR for an MS Program

1.    Academic LOR for MS in CS

In an Academic sample LOR for MS in CS, you submit a recommendation from current or former professors, teachers, or project managers who have worked with you or taught you. These letters are solely concerned with your academic personality. The universities require a sense of how you’ll contribute to the institution when you join them as a student.

A sample LOR for MS in CS should be written from the perspective of the recommender even if you’re the person writing it.

  • Introduction

In the first paragraph, introduce your recommender and his/her relationship with you. Mention any projects/courses/lectures that he/she may have taken for you. You can also mention the year or semester they taught you in. In addition, mention the recommender’s overall impressions of you.

  • Body Paragraphs

In an academic LOR for MS in CS, the recommender should highlight your qualities/skills in the field, such as academic performance in a specific relevant subject like data science, computing networks, data structures; technical skills/languages, such as Java, C++, and python, and research papers or other achievements specific to the domain. The recommender can also emphasise how the applicant is motivated to improve on his weak areas.

Mention any technical skills you've gained or certifications you've acquired, and explain how they relate to your research interests using examples. Any of the forums in which you may have participated, such as IEEE or FORCE, can be supported by the recommender.

If you mention a relevant project, be sure to include details like the project's aim, team size, how you contributed to the project, and what you learned from it. Use specific examples to show how the recommender observed each quality. What were the specific incident/s—when and where were these qualities/skills/capabilities noted by the recommender?

  • Conclusion

Summarise your qualities as a desirable candidate for the MS in CS program. Add any other comments you feel appropriate. Encourage the reader to contact the recommender for additional information or with any questions. End the letter with the appropriate formal closing along with the recommender's name, designation, and contact details.

2. Professional LOR for MS in CS

A Professional sample LOR for MS in computer science, unlike an Academic LOR, discusses your work ethic and performance as an employee. This letter is typically written by your team leader, manager, senior manager, or, in the case of a startup, the CEO. If you're an entrepreneur, remember that your Professional LOR will come from a mentor or a co-founder.

In the LOR examples for MS in CS, you can emphasise the types of projects worked on, any awards received, any CSR activities taken part in, or any other achievements from the workplace.

  • Introduction

To begin with, introduce the recommender, including his or her professional background and position. What is the recommender's relationship with you? (Senior/Junior Scientist/ Immediate Supervisor). Mention the recommender’s duration of association with you. What is your role in the organisation? Mention the name of your team/project/department you’re associated with, an overview of your career/research progress in the organisation, and the recommender’s overall impressions of you.

  • Body Paragraphs

In a professional sample LOR for masters in computer science, the recommender should emphasise your areas of expertise in the computer science field, ability to work in a team/cross-functional teams, problem-solving skills, innovative attributes or logical thinking capabilities, and leadership attributes.

For instance, if you helped in cutting the cost of a process, quantify it and exhibit it as an accomplishment. Ask the recommender to include any client appreciation you received or any instance where you motivated your team members to achieve excellence.

  • In the next paragraph, they can highlight how you rose to the responsibility of managing a specific role, such as being a member of the software development team in the automotive infotainment domain, or your contributions to different aspects like web development, operating system development, innovation and integration, bug-fixing, and product release.
  • Following that, mention your projects, workshops, or seminars (along with your contributions to them) that this recommender might be interested in discussing. In this paragraph, the recommender may also include any instances in which you implemented a theoretical principle practically that impressed him or her.

You can also include details about a participated academic/research activity that the recommender would like to share with the admission committee. Your research interests and aptitude/capability for research work may also be discussed.

  • Conclusion

Summarise your qualities as a desirable candidate for the MS in CS program. Add any other comments you feel appropriate. Encourage the reader to contact the recommender for additional information or with any questions. Finally, conclude the LOR with the recommender's full name, designation, department, organisation, and contact information.

Suggested: Sample LOR for Masters (MS)

LOR Requirements of Top Universities for MS in CS

Following are the top three universities for pursuing MS in computer science along with their LOR requirements and guidelines.

  1. Stanford University
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  3. Columbia University

Let’s explore them one by one!

1.  Stanford University

Stanford University requires a minimum of three sample LOR for MS in computer science, two of which must be from academic instructors or professors. A college professor must write at least one of the two letters. A teaching assistant may be your sole option in certain cases; for example, in the first year of college or enrollment in only large lecture courses.

2.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MIT requires LOR examples for MS in CS from two professors. One recommendation from a math/science professor and another from humanity, social science, or language teacher are recommended by the university. They will also need materials from your guidance counsellor, typically including your school profile, academic transcripts, and a letter of recommendation.

3.  Columbia University

To apply for a master's degree in computer science at Columbia University, you'll need three letters of recommendation. One from your high school college counsellor and two from instructors should be included in the recommendation letters. To apply for computer science as a major, one of the teacher recommendations must be from a math or science subject.

Along with a LOR, also learn the SOP requirements in CS!

Suggested: Sample SOP for MS in CS!

Important Tips for Writing LOR for MS

Following are the tricks/tips to consider while writing a sample LOR for masters in computer science.

  • Since it’s a letter, keep all the formalities to the left-hand side as per modern letter-writing convention.
  • Communicate and stay in touch with your potential recommenders (academic or professional) when you plan on requesting recommendations from them, well in advance.
  • Target the purpose for which the letter is written clearly once at the beginning and once at the end.
  • Ensure that each LOR has distinctive anecdotes and qualities to showcase.
  • Assess your strengths and capabilities and present them candidly without exaggerating what is not true.
  • The letter should demonstrate the familiarity between the student and the recommender. If the recommender does not know about the student, he/she should have sufficient information to substantiate such familiarity.
  • The candidate's capabilities, interests, and observed conduct should be specifically stated with anecdotes and examples.
  • Share your resume, a scanned copy of the LOR, and the content of the LOR with your recommender when an online recommendation form is required to be submitted as part of the university application. This will help the recommender vouch for your candidature better.

Suggested: Letter of Recommendation Guide for MS, MBA, and Others

We understand that writing a sample LOR for MS in CS can be challenging. But don’t worry, as Yocket is here to help you master the nuances to draft a succinct LOR for your computer science course. You can avail our end-to-end personalised services and connect with well-trained counsellors by subscribing to Yocket premium.

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